Silver Bid and Proposal Workshop and Examination October 10, 2023 at 1:05 pm


A full day training event to prepare for and then take the APMP Bid and Proposal micro-certification. It will be led by a highly experienced proposal professional. We will introduce you to all the best practice principles that you will need both to get you through the exam and to enhance your career as a bid / proposal professional.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • The techniques used to create customer focused proposal writing
  • How to apply persuasion to your proposal writing using techniques outlined in the BoK
  • The best practices of writing clearly 
  • The purpose of review management, proof reading & the purpose and process for content development reviews
  • The principles and best practice of compliance and response
  • Best practice in unseating the incumbent, proof points and content plans
  • The purpose and best practice of headings, graphics and action captions and presentations
  • Best practise in proposal library, proposal theme statements, executive summaries and resume/ CV and team profiles

Exam fee – The cost of sitting the APMP Bid & Proposal exam is included in the price. You may choose to sit the exam at the end of the training day or to take it on-line in your own time.

Study Guide – We will send you an electronic copy of the APMP Study Guide (tailored for the syllabus) in advance of the day. This is a prerequisite for anyone taking the examination and an essential tool for preparing a bid.

Glossary – You will also receive an electronic copy of the APMP glossary, another prerequisite for taking the examination.

Lunch and refreshments (for classroom-based events).

Options (you can order these at any time at an additional cost. These are all included at no charge
in the Gold Package).

  1. Exam retake – If in the unlikely event you should fail the exam, you can elect to join another Sixfold Training event or just resit the examination (£75 admin, £160 exam fee).
  2. Six months ‘on-the-job’ telephone support – For a period of six months after the event, candidates can call on Sixfold bid professionals to give assistance over the phone with any aspect of their job. This could be advice on how best to prepare a bid kick-off to thoughts on how to deal with difficult procurement situations or whether to consider challenging a win/loss decision (£255 fixed rate).
  3. Sixfold Author’s Guide – An electronic copy of the invaluable guide that you can tailor to meet your own bid standards, this guide sets the approach that all contributors should take to creating their bid text and supporting the Bid Manager- (£75 cost).
  4. Flexible course date – We understand how changeable a bid manager’s diary is, so we allow delegates to make last minute changes. You can change your course date up to the Friday before the event (£75 admin fee).

Gold Bid & Proposal Workshop and Examination

£1075 £570 Per Candidate (Exc VAT)

The Gold package includes the entire Silver package, plus all four options, at no additional cost.

Assisted APMP Membership

£185 (Exc VAT)

One invoice for course, exam and APMP membership. We do the admin and supply you the APMP membership number. This greatly simplifies red tape if your company has complex approval systems.



  1. All prices are exclusive of VAT which we will add to all invoices at the current rate.
  2. We will hold Public courses either online or at a city centre location – We will hold London courses in Zone 1 and Manchester courses within a few minutes’ walk of Piccadilly Gardens.
  3. Fees are for APMP members. Non-members will attract additional APMP fees, which we will pass on at cost.
  4. Examination candidates must bring proof of identity with them to the examination location.
  5. There are no pre-requisites for the micro-certification
  6. We can give partial or full refunds depending upon the remaining time before the event. We cannot give refunds once we have booked any examinations or venues for you.
  7. A 5% uplift will be charged for card payments
  8. A £35 postage fee applies for documents sent outside the UK