Category Archives: Business Skills Training

Essential Sales Presentation Skills Workshop November 16, 2015 at 1:18 pm

The need to present is a simple fact of business life. Whether it is an external presentation to sell your company and its products to the outside world, or an internal presentation to sell a product or idea to your colleagues and managers, at sometime we all have to get on our feet and speak.


About this workshop

This workshop has been designed for sales professionals, especially new-starters, who have received little training in making presentations and whose business role requires them to make successful presentations that have impact. It can also be used as a refresher for more experienced presenters who would like to revise, develop and personalise the essential techniques for making professional presentations that win business.

The Fundamental Presentation Skills workshop combines a mixture of theory and experiential practice enabling participants to start immediately applying their skills. The workshop is supported by a comprehensive manual providing advice on all the subjects covered.


By the end of the workshop participants will:

– Understand how to make the appropriate impact to engage the audience and to create an outstanding impression;

– Learn to apply established techniques to develop a professional presentation that is structured and focussed and which maintains the interest of the audience and meets business objectives;

– Explore the use of presentation aids (power-point/handouts/physical props etc.) and presentation techniques such as story telling and humour, and learn how to use them to support effectively the meaning of their presentation;

– Consider different ways to control nerves and deal with awkward situations/questions.

– Recognise the importance of physical preparation (room layout, checking handouts/equipment etc.) and personal preparation (dress etc.)

Due to the intensive nature of the workshop the number of participants are limited to six to allow them time to practise the skills being developed.

Ongoing Coaching Support

Ongoing coaching support will be available by email and telephone on an individual basis. The support is there to help participants deal with any specific presentation issues they may have in relation to their work.

For more information about this course please contact Paul Ogden (LINK)

Quality In Pursuit of Excellence November 16, 2015 at 1:17 pm

A true quality organisation consistently delivers sustainable performance improvement. Demonstrating quality is crucial to any successful bid and key to generating motivated employees and delighted customers. A quality organisation gains a competitive edge whether competing for new customers or developing existing ones. This workshop builds an understanding of how to integrate quality into the organisation and how to evidence it in a bid. It explores the costs and benefits of operating a quality regime;

– Learn how to launch or enhance a quality ethos.

– Build performance metrics and data that better inform the client’s decision makers and build evidence that enhances your win chance.

– Develop and sustain a customer centric view throughout the organisation.

– Learn how to be recognized through formal accreditation and growing reputation.

– Understand how to leverage quality as a competitive advantage in both bid and marketing scenarios.

Typical Duration: One Day

Suitable for: Project leaders and business managers

For more information about this course please contact Andy Haigh (LINK)

Selling High Value (Outsourcing) Services November 16, 2015 at 1:16 pm

An increasing number of organisations are choosing to place major ‘non-strategic’ elements of their business with specialist service providers (outsourcing).

Some services organisations must adapt from engaging on many small opportunities to bidding fewer, much larger value contracts.

This course shows attendees how to engage more effectively at the C-Level and implement strategies that give them significant advantage over their competitors in these strategic opportunities. This course is an advanced training course that shows you how to leverage your superior delivery expertise to demonstrate outstanding value creation for your client. It addresses the key challenges faced by teams selling intangibles and focuses on the needs of the C-Level buyer and how best you can position to win at this level.

– Learn how to best influence the client’s decision making processes.

– Understand the key business values of different C-Level executives, and how to frame your offering to create most value.

– Develop strategies to position ‘intangible’ services offerings as tangible business value.

– Highlight the key factors that can make the difference between winning and losing, and how to deal with them.

– Learn how best to add value throughout the sales cycle by asking the right questions at the right time.

Typical Duration: Two Days

Suitable for: Business Managers, Sales and Account Managers, and all client-facing individuals responsible for selling complex services opportunities (typically £10m +).

For more details about this workshop please contact Peter Lobl (LINK)

Effective Negotiation Skills for Sales November 16, 2015 at 1:12 pm

With the growing complexity of business today, many organisations are finding it difficult to fully exploit all client interactions to maximise revenues from their existing customers. This workshop guides a team through the process of creating a plan that will mobilise resources to make the most of all client opportunities.

Often delivery focused personnel are reluctant to develop relationships outside their current contacts and clients have an incomplete view of what you could do for them. Although sales people will be crucially aware of the need to attack these issues, many of your people who are focused on delivery will not consider it a vital part of their remit to seek new opportunities.

In addition sales people often lack the skills to effectively martial all resources by drawing up effective plans. This is a workshop based event that will change the way your client teams work. Teams will leave with a documented Account Strategy and a detailed action plan.

– Increase revenue growth through the identification and successful closing of new opportunities within current accounts

– More effectively use resources through better qualification and improved opportunity management

– Improve client retention through better relationships and value creation

– Make use of all client facing staff to boost your sales resource

Typical Duration: One Day

Suitable for: Sales Managers, Account managers and their teams who wish to exceed current performance by creating more value for their clients.

For more details about this course please contact Andy Haigh (LINK)

Consultative Selling November 16, 2015 at 1:10 pm

Using the right questioning techniques you can demonstrate to any member of your customer’s team that you understand and support their agenda, and how your offering will best help them achieve their goals and address their challenges. This workshop will develop the business focus required to best influence your customer;

– Develop abilities to use effective probing, insightful understanding of implications and co-operative discussion of possible solutions.

– Learn how to demonstrate strong customer focus and create customer value.

– Demonstrate customer benefits and achieve customer buy-in through persuasive questioning.

– Practice these new skills to give increased value to your clients and their organisations.

Typical Duration: Two Days

Suitable for: Senior Managers and any client facing staff who need to influence their client.

For more information about this course contact Peter Lobl (LINK)

Sales Management Excellence November 16, 2015 at 1:10 pm

Your sales management has a vital role to play in achieving this year’s sales targets. You rely on them to coach and motivate your sales people to perform. You rely on them to reinforce training and appropriate behaviours in the field. Most of all you rely on them to lead if you are to retain your best people. Too often Sales Managers feel they lack the right tools and skills to perform this key task as effectively as they would like. This programme offers a very effective and highly original approach to sales skill development.

– Make sure that ALL sales meetings are highly productive.

– Increase your sales team’s ability to sell and achieve more.

– Run sales meetings that are highly relevant and effective for both experienced and inexperienced sales people alike.

– Improve the effectiveness of your training courses by providing reinforcement in the field.

– Provide the vital performance lift that will make the difference between success and failure.

Typical Duration: One Day

Suitable for: Sales Managers, Team Leaders and Business Managers leading teams of people with revenue generating responsibilities who wish to help their people exceed current performance.

For more details about this course please contact Andy Haigh

Company Wide Sales Skills November 16, 2015 at 1:09 pm

The sales activity of a business should not just be limited to those people with the word ‘sales’ attached to their role or title. Yet all client facing staff have a sales role to play which is very rarely recognised or acknowledged. This course encourages client facing staff to keep a look out for additional revenue opportunities and gives them the skills to qualify and develop them to a sensible degree.

Why waste the sales talent that abounds elsewhere in the organisation? Whilst many of them may shudder at the thought of being a ‘sales person’, they have the respect of your clients. Why not show them how they can add value to their clients whilst increasing that level of respect and then bring more business into your company. Everybody wins!

This workshop takes established technical consultants and other client facing staff and improves their value to their clients whilst at the same time getting them to identify additional business opportunities. In one IT company, a 4 course programme based on this training paid for itself within a fortnight!

Suitable for: Any client facing professionals who have no or little current sales skills

Typical Duration: Two to three days.

For more information about this programme please contact Andy Haigh (LINK)

Developing a Winning Sales Methodology November 16, 2015 at 1:04 pm

Using a mixture of consultancy and training Sixfold will work with your sales management to identify a sales methodology for your team that will Increase salesperson and sales team efficiency, streamline resources and win more business.

– Increase salesperson and sales team efficiency.

– Improve internal management support for new opportunities.

– Win more bids.

With the new sales methodology in place Sixfold then designs and delivers a workshop that will train the sales team, the sales management and the sales support staff on the use of the method. Once established, Sixfold will review the use of the method in your business and show the improvement that has resulted from its use. You will see immediate results in the volume and quality of your sales. Within a short period you will benefit from:

– Consistent and homogeneous sales communications within and without your business.

– Better management visibility of sales activity.

– Better quality proposals.

– Improved win rates.

– Improved sales forecasting.

For more details about this programme and how it could work for you please contact Peter Lobl (LINK)